KFC Reading Salon (CHENGDU)

肯德基 · 阅读沙龙 (成都)

受到YUM China的委托,LINEWORKS对其位于成都武侯祠大街的KFC华达商城店进行了全面改造和升级设计。商城与新华书店合作,希望能够将书城的阅读文化与KFC这一知名餐饮品牌做一次探索性的融合尝试,以更好的迎合中国年轻消费群体对于潮流且健康的生活方式的追求。

Commissioned by YUM China, LINEWORKS re-imagines and renovates KFC Huada on Wuhou Memorial Temple Street in Chengdu. Catalyzed by the collaboration between Huada Mall and Xinhua Bookstore, the project is an experimental exploration that infuses reading culture with KFC’s existing brand image. The new space speaks to a younger generation of consumers tuned in to the latest trends and healthy lifestyle.


The restaurant is a double storey space which lays out friendly possibilities in terms of floor plan. Under careful design and exact execution, the floor plan not only increases the dining area by 20%, but also creates space for events such as book launch parties and reading club meetings. With a multi-functional space in mind, we choose to employ zig zag staircases as well as flexible seating arrangements. The result is a trendy concept restaurant, co-reading and co-living on both ends.

首层区域以就餐为主,设计主元素包括水泥防火板与浅色的橡木阶梯,暗藏K字标识的书架沿着楼梯伸展至二层,鲜明利落的将阅读的主题传达给餐厅的顾客。 室内墙面上标志性的白色装饰木框,以及耀眼的红色甜品站,巧妙的强调着KFC的品牌特征。二层为环境更加宽松舒适的午后咖啡区,抬高的木地板、活动的餐桌和小圆墩、可用于粘贴读者留言条或个性海报的KFC LOGO墙,加上优雅舒适的防水布艺沙发组合,为空间提供了更多满足不同规模活动的可能性,也必将成为阅读爱好者和潮流达人的休闲活动打卡地。

The ground floor dining space is defined by the fire-resistant cement boards and warm-colored oak staircases. A pillar bookshelf embellished with the letter “K” stretches itself along the stairway up to the second floor, reinforcing the brand image. Spacious and cozy, the second floor cafe consists of raised wooden floor, flexible tables, comfortable stools, elegant sofa sets, and a KFC LOGO wall where readers can pin up their notes and posters. The space will soon become the hot spot in town for book-lovers and trendsetters alike.


Designing for influential clients is an exhilarating challenge. Through ceaseless innovations, we seek to further communicate their message and amplify their voice. This project again echoes with LINEWORKS’ values and standards — bold, fun, and always beyond expectation.


Media and Awards:


COMPLETED: 2020 December



SIZE: 540 sqm

TEAM: Mike Chen,Ciya Qin,Lucky Lu