Architecture MasterPrize Award 2023

奖讯!近日,美国建筑大师奖公布了2023年度国际竞赛获奖名单,LINEWORKS 的设计作品:金山第二实验小学,从来自81个国家的数千件参赛作品中脱颖而出,荣获室内公共空间类别优胜奖。

Award news! Recently, The Architecture MasterPrize (AMP)  announced the winners of its 2023 Awards. Our design project Jinshan No. 2 Experimental Primary School Stand out from thousands of entries from 81 countries and has earned the winner in interior design Public Space category.

美国建筑大师奖( Architecture MasterPrize™)前身为AAP美国建筑奖,是最具权威的世界级建筑奖项之一,为全球建筑和设计行业树立新的标杆。AMP旨在表彰全球最优秀、最具创意的建筑、室内和景观项目,展现和宣传杰出的设计人才,并突出建筑艺术及科学对于丰富我们日常生活的意义。

The Architecture MasterPrize™(formerly AAP) is one of the most renowned architectural prizes in the industry globally and a new benchmark for global architecture and design. AMP celebrates creativity and innovation in the fields of architectural design, landscape architecture, and interior design, exposes great designers and highlights the contribution of architectural art and science to the value of our daily lives.

评审团由Valerie Schweitzer领导,由顶级设计师、建筑师、策展人和学者组成。其中包括马里兰大学建筑、规划和保护学院院长Dawn Jourdan博士,以及受人尊敬的温特沃斯理工学院建筑与设计学院院长Sedef Doganer博士,他为评审过程带来了丰富的知识和不同的观点。在精心挑选获奖者的过程中,AMP评审团面临着评估杰出作品的艰巨任务。

The jury panel, led by Valerie Schweitzer, features a distinguished assembly of top designers, architects, curators, and academics. Among them is Dr. Dawn Jourdan, Dean of the School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation at the University of Maryland, and Dr. Sedef Doganer, the respected Dean of the School of Architecture and Design at Wentworth Institute of Technology, who brings a wealth of knowledge and diverse perspectives to the judging process. In thoughtfully selecting the winners, the AMP jury panel faced the challenging task of evaluating exceptional submissions.